Head to Head - Bradford Bulls vs. Swinton Lions

Bradford Bulls against Swinton Lions Swinton Lions

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Challenge Cup 1897

1898 Feb 26 Bradford 7 Swinton 2 Bradford   View

Challenge Cup 1900

1901 Mar 2 Bradford 7 Swinton 2 Bradford   View

Challenge Cup 1904

1905 Mar 18 Swinton 0 Bradford 6 Manchester   View

Challenge Cup 1920

1921 Mar 12 Bradford 7 Swinton 3 Bradford   View

War Emergency League (Lancashire) 1939

1940 May 18 Swinton 13 Bradford 21 Manchester 4,800 View
1940 25 Bradford 16 Swinton 9 Bradford 11,721 View

Challenge Cup 1940

1941 Apr 19 Bradford 25 Swinton 8 Bradford   View

Challenge Cup 1950

1951 Mar 3 Bradford 14 Swinton 4 Bradford   View

Challenge Cup 1959

1960 Feb 27 Swinton 13 Bradford 9 Manchester   View

Challenge Cup 1973

1974 Feb 24 Swinton 10 Bradford 19 Manchester   View

Challenge Cup 1978

1979 Feb 20 Swinton 2 Bradford 8 Manchester   View

John Player Special Trophy 1984

1984 Nov 18 Bradford 22 Swinton 1 C. Hodgson Bradford 3,712 View
T: E. Hanley
D. Jasiewicz
A. Rathbone
G: S. Parrish (3)
E. Hanley (2)
FG: M. Lee

Championship 1985

1985 Oct 13 Bradford 48 Swinton 20 P. Haughton Bradford 3,500 View
T: J. Woods (5)
D. Carroll (2)
N. Ramsey
G: J. Woods (8)
T: T. Hewitt (2)
A. Derbyshire
M. Viller
G: P. Topping (2)
1985 Dec 8 Swinton 8 Bradford 0 D. Carter Manchester 5,247 View
T: K. Jones
G: K. Jones (2)

Championship 1987

1987 Oct 4 Bradford 40 Swinton 12 R. Whitfield Bradford 2,510 View
T: P. Ford (2)
K. Fairbank
W. Heron
S. McGowan
B. Noble
N. Roebuck
G: K. Mumby (6)
T: F. Cassidy
T. Evans
D. Maloney
1988 Jan 24 Swinton 8 Bradford 12 G. Berry Manchester 4,367 View
T: T. Frodsham
G: P. Topping (2)
T: D. Hobbs
G. Mercer
G: D. Hobbs (2)

Championship 1991

1992 Mar 15 Swinton 14 Bradford 42 J. Connolly Manchester 2,187 View
T: P. Kay
I. Pickavance
G: C. Wilkinson (3)
T: G. Cordle (3)
P. Medley (2)
B. Iti
D. Shelford
R. Simpson
G: D. Hobbs (5)
1992 Apr 17 Bradford 60 Swinton 0 R. Smith Bradford 2,936 View
T: N. Summers (3)
K. Fairbank (2)
T. Marchant (2)
R. Francis
B. Iti
R. Simpson
G: D. Hobbs (10)

Second Division 2016

2016 Feb 20 Swinton 16 Bradford 48 Swinton   View
2016 May 15 Bradford 54 Swinton 8 Bradford   View

Second Division 2017

2017 Feb 19 Swinton 28 Bradford 35 Swinton   View
2017 Jul 23 Bradford 6 Swinton 16 Bradford   View

Second Division 2019

2019 Feb 10 Swinton 12 Bradford 31 J. McMullen Swinton 1,498 View
T: R. Fairclough
L. Forsyth
G: C. Hankinson (2)
T: S. Crossley
R. Evans
J. Hitchcox
E. Ryan
M. Wildie
G: D. Chisholm (5)
FG: J. Lilley
2019 Jul 14 Bradford 34 Swinton 34 C. Worsley Bradford 3,104 View
T: C. Farrell
M. Garside
J. Lilley
B. Pickersgill
M. Storton
J. Webster
G: J. Keyes (5)
Bin: L. Kirk
J. Webster
T: M. Ashton (2)
G. Bennion
S. Kibula
R. Lepori
H. Smith
G: J. Hansen (5)
Bin: L. Hatton
P. Jones
R. Lepori

Second Division 2021

2021 May 9 Swinton 22 Bradford 23 M. Griffiths Swinton   View
T: J. Hansen
R. Lloyd
N. Rizzelli
L. Roberts
G: M. Ridyard (3)
Bin: L. Waterworth
T: D. Brough
T. Doyle
D. Foggin-Johnston
B. Pickersgill
G: D. Brough (3)
FG: J. Lilley
2021 Aug 22 Bradford 30 Swinton 26 M. Rossleigh Bradford 2,819 View
T: G. Flanagan (2)
D. Foggin-Johnston
R. Oakes
B. Pickersgill
G: J. Lilley (5)
T: L. Roberts (2)
B. Heyes
R. Lloyd
M. Ridyard
G: M. Ridyard (2)
N. Gregson

Second Division 2023

2023 May 14 Bradford 44 Swinton 38 C. Worsley Bradford 2,935 View
T: D. Foggin-Johnston (2)
N. Mason (2)
K. Appo
B. England
K. Gill
G: D. Patton (8/8)
T: R. Lloyd (2)
A. Badrock
A. Bourouh
W. Bruines
J. Hatton
G: D. Abram (7/7)
2023 Aug 27 Swinton 26 Bradford 42 S. Mikalauskas Swinton 1,073 View
T: M. Butt
J. Hatton
R. Lepori
G. Rodden
J. Spedding
G: D. Abram (3/5)
Bin: J. Spedding
T: D. Foggin-Johnston (2)
K. Appo
K. Gill
J. Lilley
J. Myers
F. Rogers
E. Scurr
G: J. Lilley (5/8)

1895 Cup 2024

2024 Mar 3 Bradford 21 Swinton 12 S. Mikalauskas Bradford   View
T: C. Butler
K. Gill
J. Lilley
G: J. Lilley (4/4)
FG: J. Lilley
Bin: J. Arundel
T: D. Abram
J. Spedding
G: D. Patton (2/2)

Second Division 2024

2024 May 5 Swinton   Bradford   Swinton   View Head To Head
2024 Sep 29 Bradford   Swinton   Bradford   View Head To Head

31 games
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