Head to Head - Bradford Bulls vs. Hull FC

Bradford Bulls against Hull FC Hull FC

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Year Date Home       Away   Referee Venue Crowd  
1932 Oct 8 Bradford 9 <   Hull 5 Birch Lane   View
1953 Oct 31 Bradford 7 <   Hull 2 Headingley 22,147 View
1954 Sep 30 Hull 10 <   Bradford 5 Boulevard   View
1955 Sep 20 Hull 23 <   Bradford 16 Boulevard   View
1959 Aug 29 Bradford 10   > Hull 23 Odsal   View
1978 Sep 13 Bradford 12 <   Hull 7 Odsal   View
1982 Oct 2 Bradford 7   > Hull 18 S. Wall Headingley 11,755 View
1986 Oct 1 Bradford 12   > Hull 16 J. Holdsworth Odsal 4,727 View

8 games
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